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of Global Impact and Transformation
of Global Impact and Transformation
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17 Nov 23
Missionary in West Asia
Church Planting Field Story
Why Church Planting?
Have you ever asked yourself the question "Why Church Planting?" Check out this story from our Missionary in West Asia as he answers that exact question.
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01 Nov 23
Missionaries in East Asia
Asia Field Story
A Lesson on Trust and Provision
The Father uses different situations to remind us that He cares about the details. Check out this story to hear how our missionaries in East Asia saw this truth in action.
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17 Oct 23
Doug Reimer // Missionary in Spain
Field Story Member Care
Relational Care: The Heart Beat of Avant
“You’re a Missionary? So you must be…” Many of us can fill in the blank." Check out this story from one of our Regional Member Care providers about this important ministry within Avant.
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02 Oct 23
Missionaries in Slovenia
Europe Field Story
You Really Want to Read the Bible?
Have you ever seen someone read the Bible for the first time? Check out this story from our missionaries in Slovenia about how the Lord worked in the lives of the youth this summer.
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19 Sep 23
Leah Vanderlaan // Director of Mobilization
The Day Drawing Near
Missions has been God’s idea from the very beginning. From creation to eternity, God’s plan is for all nations to worship Him!
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07 Sep 23
Missionaries in Colombia
Colombia Field Story
Playing Your Part
How are you impacting the Kingdom of God? Check out this story of how our missionaries in Colombia are building their team for the work the Lord has called them to.
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23 Aug 23
Hannah Curby // Missionary in Italy
Field Story Italy
Planting Gospel Seeds on the Baseball Field
Our team in Italy is sharing the gospel through baseball! Read about Grazianas' story and how she came to know Christ through our ministry Fusion Athletics.
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02 Aug 23
Jon White // Missionary at Rio Grande
Field Story Recruitment
The Power of Prayer
Sometimes the Lord uses challenges in our lives to draw us to Himself. Check out Misael's story and how the Lord is using Rio Grande to equip him for future ministry!
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18 Jul 23
Missionaries in Brazil
Brazil Field Story
Gospel Proclaimed: Life Transformed
Years ago, everyone knew Beto as the town drunk. Read this story about how God transformed his life and now he is sharing the gospel with those that have never heard!
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05 Jul 23
Missionaries in West Asia
Asia Field Story
Seeking New Hope In the Midst of Hardship
"The Lord has called us to share the hope of the gospel in a nation that very few know Him." Check out this story about how our missionaries are doing just that in West Asia.
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