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Church Planting Recruitment

Bringing Church to Every Unreached Corner of the World

"We exist to plant and develop churches globally, to bridge the gap between reached and unreached, to ensure that there is no place or people without access to a vibrant faith community."

Imagine there’s a world map laid out in front of you. Now, think of the populated locations on that map where no one gathers to worship God, where Christians aren’t regularly coming together to enjoy His presence. If you can think of just one place where that’s true, that’s one too many.

A world map is an invitation to join God in the renewal of all things. It’s a call to action — an opportunity to thoughtfully and prayerfully start new churches where none exist. When we look at a map, we see people waiting to hear the Good News. And with eyes of faith, we see Christ followers emerging in communities that were once unreached.

We exist to plant and develop churches globally, to bridge the gap between reached and unreached, to ensure that there is no place or people without access to a vibrant faith community. And what shapes our approach to this critically important task are three foundational pillars. Let’s briefly explore each one.

Ends-Driven, Outcomes Based: Our first pillar reflects the God-glorifying, action-oriented nature of our mission and vision, emphasizing our resolve to plant healthy churches where none exist. It's about empowered missionary teams creating culturally-appropriate spaces where people can connect with God and grow into mature disciples. Our goal? For every unreached community to have its own church — one that is flourishing, deeply rooted in the place it’s been planted, enriching lives for generations.

Committed to Relational Care: Inspired by our core values of care and community, our second pillar is a promise to invest in the long-term health and well-being of our people so they can invest in the eternity of others. We want to model the pastoral heart of the Creator, providing a network of support that spans the globe and ensures everyone involved in Avant is being actively cared for. Relational care is the ethos of the organization. 

One Goal, Diverse Strategies: Embedded in our third pillar are our core values of creativity and collaboration. The cultural diversity of our world calls for innovative approaches to sharing the gospel and establishing healthy churches, especially in places where there is no church. We use multiple strategies to fuel this core objective, including, but certainly not limited to, business, media, education, camp ministry, and global engagement. God’s kingdom advances as we work together to creatively engage the unreached.

As we venture out, planting churches where none exist, we envision vibrant centers of worship and community popping up all over the world. Shaping our approach, guiding our decision-making, and inspiring our daily actions are the three pillars. Join us as we work towards a day where every unreached corner of the earth has a place to gather in Jesus’ name — and where our world maps look different than they do right now.

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