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of Global Impact and Transformation
of Global Impact and Transformation
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04 Apr 23
Mark Bruner
Global Recruitment
God's Glory: Motivation for Missions
At Avant we are concerned about our motivation for Missions. Mark Bruner shares how God's glory is that motivation and propels us to continue to reach the unreached around the world.
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22 Mar 23
Hannah Curby // Missionary in Italy
Field Story Middle East
Loving Our Muslim Neighbors
1.9 Billion people around the world will be celebrating Ramadan in hopes to draw closer to God. Learn more about how you can reach out to your Muslim friends and neighbors during this time.
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08 Mar 23
Rylee Chavez
Field Story History
Celebrating International Women's Day
This International Women’s Day, we want to honor some influential women in Avant’s history. Read more to hear how these women have had an eternal impact.
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22 Feb 23
Ben Laur // Director of Recruitment
History Recruitment
Are We Ready to Respond to a Surprising Work of God?
The events that took place on campus at Asbury University on February 8th have grabbed the attention of our nation. Ben Laur, Director of Recruitment, shares more about them.
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01 Feb 23
Malea // missionary in Slovenia
Europe Field Story
Morality Without God
The goal of each of our missionaries is to share the hope of the gospel, wherever they are. Check out this story about an opportunity our missionary in Slovenia had, to do just that!
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18 Jan 23
Missionaries in Southeast Asia
Asia Field Story
Celebrating Lunar New Year
In Southeast Asia the focus this time of year is on celebrating the Lunar New Year. Check out how you can be involved in sharing the gospel during this celebration, right where you are.
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04 Jan 23
Edu & Krista // Missionaries in Spain
Field Story Spain
Hope-filled Street Encounter
As ministers of the gospel we encourage believers and non-believers alike, to return to the arms of the Lord. Check out Pau's story from our missionary in Spain.
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21 Dec 22
Hannah Curby // Missionary in Italy
Europe Field Story
The Hope That Keeps Us Celebrating
We are grateful for the hope that we have as we celebrate Christmas! Check out this story about what it is like to celebrate Christmas in Italy.
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07 Dec 22
Glenn & Sue // missionaries in Spain
Europe Field Story
The Courage to say “Yes!”
When we have the courage to say "yes" to God He often does much more than we can think or imagine. Check out this story from Spain to see how God used a "yes" for His good!
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15 Nov 22
Rylee; intern to West Asia
Field Story Internship
Available Where Planted
Obeying what God has called you to is not easy, but always worth it! Check out this story from an intern who spent some time with Avant in West Asia.
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