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of Global Impact and Transformation
of Global Impact and Transformation
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02 Oct 24
Phil Schroeder // Retiree
Church Planting Recruitment
Encouraging the Next Generation of Goers
Our retirees have many years of experience and wisdom to offer! On the blog, Phil Schroeder shares encouragement from his own experience to the next generation of goers.
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18 Sep 24
Alix Funk // Missionary in France
Church Planting Field Story France
The One Worth Running To
How can we glorify God through activities like sports? Read Alix's story about using running to share the gospel and bring the Lord praise.
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04 Sep 24
Heather and Matt // Missionaries in Thailand
Recruitment Thailand
Teaching the Unreached
What does it look like to teach about God at Christian international schools? Read how workers are sharing the gospel in Thailand through education!
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21 Aug 24
Cross-Cultural Worker
Church Planting Field Story
Crossing the Line Is Just the Start
When a new church is planted, we rejoice! Yet church planting is just the beginning. Check out this story to learn what it looks like to cross the line to just the start.
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07 Aug 24
Recruitment Department // Anna Boyles
Global Recruitment
Immersion 15
What would it look like for young adults to serve in various ministries across the globe for 15 months? Read how Avant is using Immersion 15 to give participants the chance to do just that!
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17 Jul 24
Kylee Watts // Missionary in Alaska
Field Story USA - Alaska
Where You Lead, I Will Follow
In making plans, we can think it's all up to us, forgetting to trust God to provide. This story highlights a journey of relying on God to provide through support raising.
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03 Jul 24
Scott Yingling // Director of Global Engagement
Church Planting Global
The Creative Challenge of Cross-Cultural Church Planting
Cross-cultural church planting does not look the same everywhere. Read how Avant is implementing multiple skills, methods, and strategies to reach the world with the gospel!
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19 Jun 24
Recruitment Department
Church Planting Recruitment
One Goal, Diverse Strategies
Planting healthy churches in various cultures, languages, and countries requires creativity. Through diverse strategies, Avant accomplishes this goal. Read more in this blog!
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05 Jun 24
Candace Coppinger-Pickett // VP of Member Care
Global ISC
Glorifying God Through Relational Care
Relational care is a pillar of Avant. By investing in the well-being of our missionaries, we enable them to invest in the eternity of others. Our commitment to care is highlighted in this blog.
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21 May 24
Kirk Blackwell // Director of Training
Church Planting ISC Training
Ends Driven, Outcome Based
Avant operates as an ends driven, outcome based organization to reach the unreached with the gospel by planting healthy, reproducing churches. Read more to learn about this pillar of Avant.
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17 Apr 24
Church Planting Recruitment
Bringing Church to Every Unreached Corner of the World
We exist to plant and develop churches globally, to bridge the gap between reached and unreached. Check out this story to learn more about who we are.
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02 Apr 24
Rachel; Missionary in Spain
Field Story Spain
Hope & Healing
God is always at work. Every circumstance and season is for a reason. Check out this story from our missionary in Spain as she shares how she learned that lesson.
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20 Mar 24
Leah Vanderlaan // Director of Mobilization
Field Story Recruitment
Glimpse of Missions Through Short-Term Trips
How do I learn more about missions? Check out this story from our Director of Mobilization on how short-term mission opportunities can help answer that question!
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05 Mar 24
Missionaries in the Middle East
Field Story Middle East
Learning to Love Our Neighbors
1.9 Billion people around the world will be celebrating Ramadan in hopes to draw closer to God. Learn more about how you can reach out to your Muslim friends and neighbors during this time.
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21 Feb 24
Missionary in Mexico
Field Story Mexico
Christ Our Purifier
The goal of each of our missionaries is to share the hope of the gospel, wherever they are. Check out this story about an opportunity our missionary in Mexico had, to do just that!
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07 Feb 24
Missionaries in Southeast Asia
Asia Field Story
Celebrating Lunar New Year
In Southeast Asia the focus this time of year is on celebrating the Lunar New Year. Check out this story from our missionaries about how they are celebrating it this year.
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17 Jan 24
Mark Bruner
Field Story Recruitment
The Glory of God
Avant’s theme for 2024 remains God’s Glory. Mark, one of our VP's, shares more about what this means for Avant and how we hope to see this accomplished this year.
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03 Jan 24
Alix, missionary in France
Field Story France
All In God's Time
God is always at work. Every circumstance and season is for a reason. Check out this story from our missionary in France as she shares how she learned that lesson.
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19 Dec 23
Mike Reimer; Canadian Director
Bolivia Field Story
25 Years Late, or Right on Time
God always orchestrates people and resources to accomplish his purposes and ultimately gain the praise He deserves. Check out this story from our Canadian Director.
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05 Dec 23
Missionary in Spain
Field Story Member Care
Caring for Your Missionaries During the Holidays
What is it like to be in another country for the holidays? Learn how ministry partners can care for their missionaries at this time when they feel most lonely and far from their loved ones.
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17 Nov 23
Missionary in West Asia
Church Planting Field Story
Why Church Planting?
Have you ever asked yourself the question "Why Church Planting?" Check out this story from our Missionary in West Asia as he answers that exact question.
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01 Nov 23
Missionaries in East Asia
Asia Field Story
A Lesson on Trust and Provision
The Father uses different situations to remind us that He cares about the details. Check out this story to hear how our missionaries in East Asia saw this truth in action.
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17 Oct 23
Doug Reimer // Missionary in Spain
Field Story Member Care
Relational Care: The Heart Beat of Avant
“You’re a Missionary? So you must be…” Many of us can fill in the blank." Check out this story from one of our Regional Member Care providers about this important ministry within Avant.
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02 Oct 23
Missionaries in Slovenia
Europe Field Story
You Really Want to Read the Bible?
Have you ever seen someone read the Bible for the first time? Check out this story from our missionaries in Slovenia about how the Lord worked in the lives of the youth this summer.
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19 Sep 23
Leah Vanderlaan // Director of Mobilization
The Day Drawing Near
Missions has been God’s idea from the very beginning. From creation to eternity, God’s plan is for all nations to worship Him!
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07 Sep 23
Missionaries in Colombia
Colombia Field Story
Playing Your Part
How are you impacting the Kingdom of God? Check out this story of how our missionaries in Colombia are building their team for the work the Lord has called them to.
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23 Aug 23
Hannah Curby // Missionary in Italy
Field Story Italy
Planting Gospel Seeds on the Baseball Field
Our team in Italy is sharing the gospel through baseball! Read about Grazianas' story and how she came to know Christ through our ministry Fusion Athletics.
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02 Aug 23
Jon White // Missionary at Rio Grande
Field Story Recruitment
The Power of Prayer
Sometimes the Lord uses challenges in our lives to draw us to Himself. Check out Misael's story and how the Lord is using Rio Grande to equip him for future ministry!
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18 Jul 23
Missionaries in Brazil
Brazil Field Story
Gospel Proclaimed: Life Transformed
Years ago, everyone knew Beto as the town drunk. Read this story about how God transformed his life and now he is sharing the gospel with those that have never heard!
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05 Jul 23
Missionaries in West Asia
Asia Field Story
Seeking New Hope In the Midst of Hardship
"The Lord has called us to share the hope of the gospel in a nation that very few know Him." Check out this story about how our missionaries are doing just that in West Asia.
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20 Jun 23
Sharon // Missionary in East Africa
Africa Field Story
An Orphan and a Refugee
God uses the broken situations in our lives to draw us to Him! Check out Moga's story to see how that has been true in his life.
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06 Jun 23
Missionary in Romania
Europe Field Story
Random Encounters that Plant Eternal Seeds
Each opportunity we have is one to share the hope we have in the gospel. Check out these stories from snippets of interactions that plant eternal seeds. The Lord works in all opportunities!
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16 May 23
Leah Vanderlaan // Avant Mobilizer
Field Story Recruitment
Engaging the Unreached
Over 4.7 billion people in the world do not know the Gospel. Learn how you can bring awareness to those who are still denied access to the Gospel.
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03 May 23
Missionaries in Southeast Asia
Asia Field Story
No Water? No Problem!
No matter what the situation God is always at work, even when our plans change. Read the following story from our missionary in Southeast Asia that reminds us of this truth.
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19 Apr 23
Missionary in West Asia
Asia Field Story
Language Learning Turned Gospel Presentation
Language learning is hard, but God uses all sort of tasks to increase our language and our ability to share the gospel with others! Check out this story from our missionary in West Asia.
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04 Apr 23
Mark Bruner
Global Recruitment
God's Glory: Motivation for Missions
At Avant we are concerned about our motivation for Missions. Mark Bruner shares how God's glory is that motivation and propels us to continue to reach the unreached around the world.
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22 Mar 23
Hannah Curby // Missionary in Italy
Field Story Middle East
Loving Our Muslim Neighbors
1.9 Billion people around the world will be celebrating Ramadan in hopes to draw closer to God. Learn more about how you can reach out to your Muslim friends and neighbors during this time.
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08 Mar 23
Rylee Chavez
Field Story History
Celebrating International Women's Day
This International Women’s Day, we want to honor some influential women in Avant’s history. Read more to hear how these women have had an eternal impact.
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22 Feb 23
Ben Laur // Director of Recruitment
History Recruitment
Are We Ready to Respond to a Surprising Work of God?
The events that took place on campus at Asbury University on February 8th have grabbed the attention of our nation. Ben Laur, Director of Recruitment, shares more about them.
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01 Feb 23
Malea // missionary in Slovenia
Europe Field Story
Morality Without God
The goal of each of our missionaries is to share the hope of the gospel, wherever they are. Check out this story about an opportunity our missionary in Slovenia had, to do just that!
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18 Jan 23
Missionaries in Southeast Asia
Asia Field Story
Celebrating Lunar New Year
In Southeast Asia the focus this time of year is on celebrating the Lunar New Year. Check out how you can be involved in sharing the gospel during this celebration, right where you are.
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04 Jan 23
Edu & Krista // Missionaries in Spain
Field Story Spain
Hope-filled Street Encounter
As ministers of the gospel we encourage believers and non-believers alike, to return to the arms of the Lord. Check out Pau's story from our missionary in Spain.
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21 Dec 22
Hannah Curby // Missionary in Italy
Europe Field Story
The Hope That Keeps Us Celebrating
We are grateful for the hope that we have as we celebrate Christmas! Check out this story about what it is like to celebrate Christmas in Italy.
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07 Dec 22
Glenn & Sue // missionaries in Spain
Europe Field Story
The Courage to say “Yes!”
When we have the courage to say "yes" to God He often does much more than we can think or imagine. Check out this story from Spain to see how God used a "yes" for His good!
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15 Nov 22
Rylee; intern to West Asia
Field Story Internship
Available Where Planted
Obeying what God has called you to is not easy, but always worth it! Check out this story from an intern who spent some time with Avant in West Asia.
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02 Nov 22
Clint and Missy; Missionaries in Poland
Europe Field Story
Living a Life of Generosity
The Bible reminds us that the Lord is a generous giver and loves to give good gifts to His children. Check out this story from our missionary in Poland.
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18 Oct 22
Tina Barham; Director of Recruitment
Field Story Recruitment
Living Life in a Glass House
When you move to a new country you will experience many new things, accompanied with many lessons to learn. Our Director of Recruitment shares a few lessons she learned while living overseas.
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05 Oct 22
Jack and Sharon// missionaries at Rio Grande Bible College
Central Asia Field Story
Putting Himself in the Shoes of the Other
Sometimes we experience a new culture, a new language, a new country and despite the newness we are reminded that the Lord longs and desires to see those in the new place come to know Him.
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20 Sep 22
Tina Barham; Director of Recruitment
Field Story Recruitment
Transition and the Process of Arriving
The life of a missionary is full of transition. Read this story from our Director of Recruitment about what she learned during her transition to Mexico.
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06 Sep 22
Randy Alderfer // missionary in Alaska
Field Story North America
A Win - Win for the Kingdom
We live in the reality that God's word will not return void, and that God's people, as we grow in our understanding of who God is, will be in awe of all what God is doing around us!
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17 Aug 22
Tina Barham // Director of Recruitment
Field Story Recruitment
Things to Remember When It’s Time to Go!
Obeying what God has called you to is not easy. Check out these three reminders from our Director of Recruitment as you head overseas.
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03 Aug 22
Juan Pablo and Ann Marie Guardia // missionaries in Bolivia
Field Story Latin America
Struggles from the Streets
The Lord is in the business of transforming lives. Read the story of how the Lord transformed Benigno's life from living on the streets to experiencing victory through new life in Christ.
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13 Jul 22
Local Pastor | Ukraine
Field Story Relief Ukraine
Church in Ukraine Responds to Crisis
One church in Ukraine has been spending a lot of time praying for their country.
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13 Jul 22
Filip and Ola | Poland
Field Story Poland
Power of Testimonies
At a women and children’s refugee center, missionaries share their testimonies and see God move in unexpectant ways.
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13 Jul 22
Logan Shields | Portugal
Field Story Portugal
A Journey to Safety
“An opportunity to get people out of the refugee camps and into a safe place to restart life.” This was the opportunity our missionary said yes to.
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13 Jul 22
Ukrainian Refugee | Poland
Poland Ukraine
Refugee Helping Refugees
One Ukrainian refugee finds her niche by providing mental health care to Ukrainian students in Poland.
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06 Jul 22
Jim & Gail McKelvey - Retirees
Field Story North America
When God Breaks His Silence
No matter what the situation God is always at work. Read the following story from one of our retirees that reminds us of this truth.
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21 Jun 22
Tina Barham; Director of Recruitment
Field Story Recruitment
Are You Going?
Are you going overseas? Have you gone? We are reminded that the need is great, and the Lord continues to call people to go.
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01 Jun 22
Gordon and Sharon // missionaries in Africa
Africa Field Story
Glimpses of Hope
The hope of the gospel meets us right where we are. God uses people, situations, and tangible things as vessels to show us His love and remind us of the hope we have in Him.
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16 May 22
Tina Barham; Director of Recruitment
Field Story Recruitment
People Are Messy
Sometimes life is messy, and life as a missionary is no different. But praise the Lord that He is able to use messy people for His honor and glory.
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03 May 22
Malea // Missionary in Slovenia
Europe Field Story
"Give Me A Positive Haircut"
The goal of each of our missionaries is to share the hope of the gospel, wherever they are. Read how that took place while our missionary was washing their car in Slovenia.
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19 Apr 22
Kendra Valdez- Regional Mobilizer
Field Story Recruitment
How to go without developing a Savior complex
In every season we are we be reminded of our need to depend deeply on our Savior and humbly submit to Him, being a missionary is no different.
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23 Mar 22
Joe | Ukraine
Field Story Relief Ukraine
21 Days of Silence
A Ukrainian Pastor didn’t know if his parents were alive for 21 days. Read the story to find out how the Church has been helping this pastor be re-united with his parents.
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22 Mar 22
Clint and Missy | Poland
Europe Field Story Poland
Taking Refuge Amidst the Storm
Irina waits in Poland for the war to end so she can return to her husband and life in Ukraine.
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16 Mar 22
Filip and Olga | Poland
Europe Field Story Relief
Providing a Temporary Home
A church in Poland has become a temporary home to two Ukraine women and their young children, but many more are on the way.
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16 Mar 22
Tina Barham; Director of Recruitment
Field Story Recruitment
8 Things I Learned from Being a Missionary
In each season of life there is opportunity to learn different lessons. Our Director of Recruitment shares some lessons she has learned from being a missionary.
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08 Mar 22
Field Story Poland
Polish Churches Unite
Churches in Poland unite to step up to the challenge of receiving and caring for Ukrainian refugees.
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01 Mar 22
Jennifer Hildebrand
Field Story North America
The Heartbeat of Care
At the heartbeat of who Avant is we desire to care for our members, and that includes our MK's. Our MK Care Specialist Jennifer Hildebrand, shares about the joy it is for her to care for our MK's.
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16 Feb 22
Tina Barham; Director of Recruitment
Field Story Recruitment
Jehovah Jireh- He will provide: Even in Singleness
Have you allowed singleness to keep you from doing what God has called you to do? It is never easy following what God asks but it is always worth it!
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01 Feb 22
Travis & Julie Duncan // missionaries in Spain
Europe Field Story
When Plans Change
What do we do when our plans change? Our best foot forward when things change includes full trust in the Lord & surrender to His will, trusting He knows best.
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19 Jan 22
Tina Barham; Director of Recruitment
Field Story Recruitment
The Fire to Keep Going
What happens when discouragement knocks us down? Do the hope and joy of Jesus burn like a fire deep in our bones so that we must speak? Read on to learn some encouragement from the prophet Jeremiah.
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06 Jan 22
Sylvia Schroeder // retired missionary to Italy
Europe Field Story
How To Know Right From Wrong
Language learning is a process. A needed but challenging process. Check out this story from a retired missionary to Italy to learn from her experience of learning Italian.
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14 Dec 21
Kendra Valdez- Regional Mobilizer
Field Story Recruitment
Oh, the places He will take you.
Throughout all of Scripture we see God use the underdog to accomplish His beautiful story of redemption. That is still true today!
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01 Dec 21
Mike Reimer; Canadian Director
Canada Field Story
From Chicken to Church
South America might be far from Canada, but the Lord is bringing the nations right to our doorstep, we must be faithful to love others as they are placed in our path.
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17 Nov 21
Kendra Valdez, Regional Recruiter
Field Story Recruitment
Support Raising Myth: I don’t want to beg for money.
What does it look like to put our faith and trust in God to provide for our needs, even while support raising? Read the following story to find out.
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03 Nov 21
Shannon & Elizabeth; missionaries in Prague
Europe Field Story
Encouraging Encounters
God uses different encounters to remind us that He is ultimately the one who works! Riding the train, teaching English or walking down the street may we be expectant of God at work!
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20 Oct 21
Tina Barham; Director of Recruitment
Field Story Recruitment
Is Missions Worth It?
Is missions worth it? That is often a question that many people wrestle with, be encouraged! Missions is totally worth it!
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06 Oct 21
Sylvia Schroeder // retired missionary to Italy
Field Story North America
Standing On the Other Side of the Line
"Good-byes never get easier." Check out this story from a retired missionary as she shares what it's like to say good-bye to her missionary children.
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15 Sep 21
Randy; Echo Ranch Bible Camp
Field Story North America
Seeing His Goodness in the Highs and Lows
What is the outcome of a summer of ministry at Echo Ranch Bible Camp? Something beautiful! Lives changed for eternity! Healing to the broken, ears to hear and lips to speak truth, many for the first time!
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31 Aug 21
Ralph Harvey; retired Avant Missionary
Europe Field Story
One Seed: God’s After Math
Ralph Harvey, a retired missionary to Austria, shares how the Lord continues to work throughout Europe even years later!
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18 Aug 21
Bob Henriques; Missionary in Guatemala
Field Story Guatemala
Guatemalans for Christ: One at a time!
God is in the business of changing lives. How do we win Guatemalans for the Lord and His Kingdom? One at a time.
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03 Aug 21
Hannah; missionary to Italy
Field Story Latin America
Belief into Action
Everything has its own time, and sometimes we don't get what we want right away because it still needs to grow. We must be ready for every opportunities we get to share of the hope of Jesus!
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21 Jul 21
Anna Kim; missionary in Colombia
Field Story Latin America
The Word of God is Living and Active
Only the work of the Holy Spirit can bring about true understanding of who Jesus is. It is one of our greatest joys to walk along side others as they seek to know Him.
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09 Jul 21
Grant Werthman; missionary in Alaska
Field Story North America
Prodigals, Pharisees, and the Loving Father
The story of the Prodigal Son is one we might know by heart. Check out this story of how that truth was shared with our counselors at Echo Ranch Bible Camp.
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15 Jun 21
Missionary in Spain
Europe Field Story
A Message Beyond Understanding
People are curious, searching and seeking and many are finding the hope and love of Jesus. Check out the latest story from our media center in Spain.
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28 May 21
Missionaries in East Asia
Asia Field Story
Time is Running Out!
Why is it sometimes so easy for us to fall into complacency in our relationships, daily putting off the work of verbally sharing the father's love till tomorrow?
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23 May 21
Phil O'Day, VP Public Ministries and US Director
International Day for the Unreached
Help Avant bring awareness to thousands more about the third of the world who are still denied access to the Gospel.
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05 May 21
Missionary in the Middle East
Field Story Middle East
The Life of Miracles
Aren't we such blessed people? Though our message is so often rejected and that can be hard, yet we have been tasked with telling people the most wonderful message!
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21 Apr 21
Kevin; missionary in Panama
Field Story Latin America
The Hope of an Empty Tomb
May the hope of an empty tomb compel to tell others who don’t yet know Him. May the Lord continue to empower you for the purpose of making Heaven more crowded to the praise of His glory!
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07 Apr 21
Alix; missionary in France
Europe Field Story
Waiting on the Resurrection
Faith, sometimes easy, often difficult, is trusting that death doesn’t have the last word and that our God who is the God of the living, will bring light and life to the darkness we experience.
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17 Mar 21
Bill & Linda Parker
Europe Field Story
Touched by the Kindness of Strangers
In Manuel’s story, you can observe God’s pursuit of him over the years, no matter where he was living or visiting. God is always working!
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02 Mar 21
Clint; missionary in Poland
Europe Field Story
The Power of Starting Over
This past year has given people time to stop and reflect on their lives. Read Olga's story to hear how the Lord has worked in her life this year.
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17 Feb 21
Kyle Winker; missionary in Argentina
Field Story Latin America
Trash to Treasure
A situation concerning trash led to a conversation about the greatest treasure of all: Jesus. The Lord uses all situations, little and big, as opportunities to share the good news of the gospel!
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03 Feb 21
Vince; missionary in Italy
Europe Field Story
Open Hearts in the Open Air
"Domenico was especially proud of his New Testament and said out loud, “I am going to read this cover to cover!" God is working in the hearts of many!
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25 Jan 21
Wendy; missionary in France
Europe Field Story
The Business of Changing Lives
God is in the business of changing lives. Be encouraged as you read these snippets of stories of changed lives in France.
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06 Jan 21
Missionary in West Asia
Asia Field Story
The Beauty of True Hope
I wish I could hand you hope in a box to unwrap and hold in your hands, but that’s not how it works. All I can do is point you in the direction in which hope is found.
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16 Dec 20
Jolene; missionary in Slovenia
Europe Field Story
“Father, what if You say ‘No’"
As hard as it is to entrust our own life and dreams to God, it is often that much harder to trust someone else’s dreams and salvation to a God we know is good but they do not believe in.
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02 Dec 20
Missionary in Southeast Asia
Asia Field Story
God at Work Despite a Typhoon
Read the following story about how God provided for our missionaries to be a light in their country despite being hard-hit by two typhoons.
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18 Nov 20
Jon Luesink; Director of Mobilization Canada
Canada Field Story North America
Multiplication: Hall of Tyrannus
God is still very much moving and active. I love his timing and that He knows there is more than one thing going on at a time. He calls us to trust in Him as He works!
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09 Nov 20
Phil O'Day, Vice President of Public Ministries and US DIrector
Honduras Latin America Press Release
Hurricane Eta and Iota: Relief for Central America
Hurricanes Eta and Iota devastated portions of Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Avant is coordinating relief with its related association of churches in Honduras.
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04 Nov 20
Heather; missionary in Mexico
Church Planting Field Story Latin America
The Sites of Sunday Morning
After months of isolation and the reality of life on a screen, one of our missionaries shares what it was like to return to in-person services at their church. Joy can often be seen in the little things!
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19 Oct 20
Susanna; missionary to Spain
Church Planting Europe Field Story
It's Raining...It's Pouring
God hears our every prayer, our every cry of the heart, our every plea. We know He doesn't always answer how we want Him to or even answer right away. Yet, in His good planning and in His good timing,...
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07 Oct 20
Alan; Missionary in Mexico
Church Planting Field Ministry Latin America
Remembering the Legacy of Art Mikesell
What type of legacy will your life leave? Art Mikesell left a legacy. There will be thousands upon thousands of souls in the presence of the Lord from his decades of faithful ministry. May we all...
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16 Sep 20
Vincent; missionary in Italy
Church Planting Europe Field Story
"Like an old car… I was ready for the junkyard"
Many times we make plans and have a desired outcome that we want to accomplish. But thankfully, many times, God rearranges those plans for the better and uses them in incredible ways to teach us a...
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02 Sep 20
Randy Alderfer; missionary in Alaska
Camp Field Story North America
The Name of the Lord is a Strong Tower
Many times we make plans and have a desired outcome that we want to accomplish. But thankfully, many times, God rearranges those plans for the better and uses them in incredible ways to teach us a...
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19 Aug 20
David & Malea Lusa
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Celebrate: Believers Baptized in Slovenia!
Our team in Slovenia moved there many years ago with the goal of planting a church in a nation that desperately needs the hope of the gospel. As we witness the baptisms in the video above, we celebrate...
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05 Aug 20
Brazil Church Planting Field Story
Virtual Ministry: Powerful Gospel
Everything in our lives - every moment, decision, ability, and resource - is an opportunity for us to cling to Jesus. May this season be less about getting our to-do list updated, but rather focused on...
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15 Jul 20
Belgium Mission- Vianova
Belgium Church Planting Europe
Available Where Planted
The Lord plants us and calls us to be available, wherever that might be. We never know the opportunities that will come and how the Lord will open unexpected doors. Read the following story from our...
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01 Jul 20
Sylvia Schroeder // Women’s Care Coordinator
How to Have 2020 Vision in This Strange Time
As the panorama of whitening fields met my eyes this morning, a verse so clear it could have been inscribed across the scene collided with the 2020 turmoil rolling in my mind and pressing in my heart....
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16 Jun 20
Vincent; Missionary in Italy
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Weathering The Storm Together
Testimonies are powerful. Each one of us has one and God uses our testimony to encourage others. Be encouraged as you read the following testimonies from one of our missionaries in Italy and see how...
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03 Jun 20
Nathan; Missionary to Ireland
Church Support Field Story Latin America
Loving with All He Has Given
Everything in our lives - every moment, decision, ability, and resource - is an opportunity for us to use our muchness for Him. May this season be less about getting our to-do list updated, but rather...
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20 May 20
Julie; Missionary in Brazil
Brazil Church Planting Field Story
Abraham: Lessons For Us Today
God gives us hope even when we have circumstances that can be really challenging. May we learn to trust and put our hope in Him, as He grows us to be more like Him.
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05 May 20
Corina; Missionary in Bolivia
Bolivia Church Support Field Story
Testimonies of Gratitude
Testimonies are powerful. Each one of us has one and God uses our testimony to encourage others. Be encouraged as you read the following testimonies from one of our missionaries in Bolivia and see how...
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15 Apr 20
Steve Cochrane
Camp Field Story North America
Reputation of Hope
As Christians, we can begin to fear and worry and feel abandoned, or we can use the ticket God has given us to speak peace into people’s lives. So much of what we do is built on a long reputation of...
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02 Apr 20
Heidi, missionary in Bolivia
Bolivia Church Support Field Story
Life Lessons From a Turtle
Imagine what our lives would be like if we viewed/lived out our relationship with God and were 100% happy to be still, patient, slow to speak, slow to think, judge, react. What would it look like if...
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19 Mar 20
Bob; Missionary in Guatemala
Church Planting Field Story Guatemala
From Guatemala With Love
Regardless of our 'distractions' God is in control and He puts us in certain situations and specific locations for a reason, we just need to pay better attention.
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03 Mar 20
Missionaries in Spain
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Stories of Hope
Stories are powerful. Each one of us has one and God uses our stories to encourage others. Be encouraged as you read the following stories from one of missionaries in Spain.
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19 Feb 20
Kaitlyn; Missionary to Southeast Asia
Asia Business Field Story
"Wait, I'm supposed to be the one asking questions here!"
Many times we make plans and have a desired outcome that we want to accomplish. But thankfully, many times, God rearranges those plans for the better and uses them in incredible ways to teach us a...
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04 Feb 20
Sylvia Schroeder; Women's Care Coordinator
Church Support Field Story North America
All for Jesus. Sorta. Kinda. Well Almost.
Candidates arrive at our sending agency with a unified passion, to proclaim the gospel where it isn’t. Their going blesses me. It renews my faith. God still works in the lives of another generation...
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27 Jan 20
Bob; Missionary to Asia
Asia Church Planting Field Story
Endurance despite Resistance
After much preparation of self and equipment there is always more that could be done to improve speed and efficiency. I was reminded this week that to do well spiritually and in ministry, we come...
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01 Jan 20
Alan; missionary to Mexico
Education Field Story Latin America
From Student to Teacher: A Question
As teachers we're accustomed to answering questions. Some questions make us think, others make us laugh. This was an encouraging situation to a tough question.
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17 Dec 19
Natalie; missionary in Guatemala
Education Field Story Guatemala
Seeing God on the Mission Field: Love
I often tell people how much I love what I do. But at the end of the day, it’s not the lesson planning, teaching or working that gives me the passion to do what I do. What fills my heart are the 150...
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04 Dec 19
Bill & Linda Parker
Church Planting Field Story Honduras
God Calls, God Leads & God Provides
It is a joy to walk along side those that God calls to share the good news of the gospel all around the world. God calls, God leads and God provides. Often in unexpected ways do we see God at work, but...
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19 Nov 19
Heidi, missionary to Bolivia
Bolivia Church Support Field Story
Battles: Ours or His?
Each day brings new circumstances and opportunities to live for Christ and trust Him. One of our missionaries in Bolivia shares how through the recent political unrest, they have seen God at work.
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31 Oct 19
Missionary in Western Asia
Asia Business
Growth Through Obedience
God continues to grow His church worldwide! Learn how bi-vocational training center students are embracing an organized outreach to help the growing community of those from another Western Asia country.
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16 Oct 19
Carissa; missionary to Spain
Europe Field Story Media
God's Abundance
God's power is sufficient. When I become so paralyzed by my own inability, I forget that God’s power is sufficient over all of it. I start to believe the lie that His grace is limited. Not only is...
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02 Oct 19
Missionary in South East Asia
Asia Church Planting Field Story
Who’s Story is it Anyway?
In whatever phase of preparation or ministry that you find yourself in, we must remind our selves that God is writing our stories. We are small chapters in the grand narrative, but we are a part of a...
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18 Sep 19
Lucy Burklin; Camp Counselor
Camp Field Story North America
A Look Through My Eyes
Spending the summer at a camp working in close quarters with around 40 other people can pose interesting questions about what it means to be a community. Christian community is a blessing we often take...
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04 Sep 19
Sylvia Schroeder // Women’s Care Coordinator
Church Planting North America USA - ISC
The Armor, Your Battle and His War
Sometimes the more I learn, the heavier my armor, I can’t carry it all. We must remind ourselves that the battle belongs to the Lord. His Word is the sword powerful to protect us and bring people to...
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16 Aug 19
Elizabeth; Intern in Honduras
Education Field Story Honduras
When You Have Just Enough, But Way More
God gives us hope even when we have circumstances that can be really challenging. May we learn to trust and put our hope in Him, as He grows us to be more like Him.
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08 Aug 19
Missionary in Africa
Africa Church Planting Field Story
The Gospel Changes Lives
The gospel changes lives. We must remember and be motivated by that truth, the gospel changes lives. That is why we are here, that is why we live each day, so that through God’s work in us, the gospel...
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18 Jul 19
Missionary in the Middle East
Church Planting Field Story Middle East
Everyday Life
God is working, over and over again we are reminded of that powerful truth. We are privileged to see it firsthand in our everyday circumstances. It may be at language school or with hundreds of...
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02 Jul 19
Jim Hedlund; Retired missionary to Ecuador
Church Planting Ecuador Field Story
Miles Apart
God uses people to touch others lives in many different ways. It isn’t because of anything that we do or even our personalities, it is because we have a living God who works in and through us.
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19 Jun 19
Ryan; South East Asia
Asia Business Field Story
Hope of Jesus
Some times we are afraid to start conversations and not sure we will be able to answer the questions that someone might have. But God gives us the words to say and uses those conversations to draw...
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04 Jun 19
Heidi, missionary to Bolivia
Bolivia Church Support Field Story
From Willingness to Transformation
God shows His love to us through many different ways. He provides opportunities that we never even thought possible because He cares for us as His children. May we never loose site of God's love for us...
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15 May 19
Missionary in West Asia
Asia Church Planting Field Story
Power of the gospel
Some times we are afraid to start conversations and not sure we will be able to answer the questions that someone might have. But God gives us the words to say and uses those conversations to draw...
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01 May 19
Wendy, missionary to France
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Reason for Hope
I love how God uses His people to touch lives. It isn’t because of anything that we do or even our personalities, it is because we have a living God who works in and through us.
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17 Apr 19
Jon Luesink, Director of Recruitment Canada
Church Planting Czech Republic Europe
New Birth in Prague: what are the chances?
God transforms our hearts by His grace and love. What a joy to see how God works in lives as He draws them to himself. We never know how God is working, but we are grateful to be used by Him for His...
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03 Apr 19
Guest Contributor
Church Planting Field Story Middle East
Some times we are afraid to start conversations and not sure we will be able to answer the questions that someone might have. But God gives us the words to say and uses those conversations to draw...
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20 Mar 19
Rachael Hurt, missionary to Portugal
Europe Field Story Media
Surprise Spotlight
We never know who God will bring us in contact with and how He will use different moments to allow us to share the good news of the gospel. God answers our prayers and draws people to Himself that do...
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05 Mar 19
Missionary to West Asia
Asia Church Planting Field Story
Crispy Rice, Death and Dry Eyes
God transforms our hearts by His grace and love. What a joy to see how God works in lives as He draws them to Himself. We never know how God is working, but we are grateful to be used by Him for His...
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14 Feb 19
Brynden Wiens, Echo Ranch Bible Camp Administrator
Camp Field Story North America
The Evidence of Love
We must always be willing to show the love of Christ and we might not know the opportunities God will give us to do that. Sometimes it might be tangible ways, others ways it might be being available to...
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06 Feb 19
Sylvia Schroeder, Women's Care Coordinator
Church Support Field Story North America
How Wet Are Your Feet?
God promises to lead us and guide us as we trust in Him. He might be asking us for a big step of faith or something small, but we are called to follow in obedience. "God in His mercy provided direction...
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16 Jan 19
Missionary to South East Asia
Asia Business
Need for One Another
We need each other. Jesus created us as relational beings and has given us joy in walking through life with others. In missions, wherever you might be, the Lord desires to be in relationship with you...
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07 Jan 19
Kevin; missionary to Uruguay
Church Planting Field Story Latin America
The Other Side of Christmas
However we view Bethlehem, niceness is not the point. In Jesus, God came face to face with the evil one and won by dying on the cross and rising up again. And we too find victory when joined with Christ.
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17 Dec 18
Luke; Mobilizing Trainer
Church Planting Field Story Middle East
Obedient to the Call
We never know who God will bring us in contact with and how He will use different moments to allow us to share the good news of the gospel. God answers our prayers and draws people to Himself that do...
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04 Dec 18
Stephanie, Mobilizing Trainer
Church Planting Field Story Middle East
The Power of Forgiveness
Some times we are afraid to start conversations and not sure we will be able to answer the questions that someone might have. But God gives us the words to say and uses those conversations to draw...
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20 Nov 18
Dustin & Miranda; missionaries in Italy
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Safe in His Arms
God has a plan for each person. What a joy to walk with and be in awe of how God works. We are treasured in His eyes. Read this story and be encouraged and continue to pray that God will continue to...
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13 Nov 18
Ryan Reiger; Support Services Coordinator & Maintenance Echo Ranch Bible Camp
Camp Field Story North America
God's Work Not Mine
God can use even things like building projects to help us see Him in the details. He orchestrates all things and ultimately He uses all things for His glory.
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17 Oct 18
Heidi, missionary to Bolivia
Bolivia Church Support Field Story
A Pair of shoes and an afternoon adventure
God shows His love to us through many different ways. He provides in ways that we never even thought possible because He cares for us as His children. May we never loose site of God's love for us in...
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03 Oct 18
Personal Testimony
Church Planting Europe Field Story
My Life Before Jesus
God transforms our hearts by His grace and love. What a joy to see how God works in lives as He draws them to Himself. We are grateful to how God continues to use our teams to be a part of the...
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20 Sep 18
Alix, missionary to France
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Sin, Spatulas, and Spiritual Growth
It is never easy admitting when we are wrong, but often God uses that to draw us closer to Him. May we be sensitive to the ways the Lord is using different circumstances in our lives to draw us closer...
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06 Sep 18
Sylvia Schroeder, Women's Care Coordinator
Church Support North America USA - ISC
Beyond My Borders
May we be encouraged in how God is calling us to cross boarders as we trust in Him. "Boarders are more than lines on a map." Sylvia shares "Whenever I see young people with a passion to cross borders...
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15 Aug 18
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Royalty in God's Eyes
God transforms our hearts by His grace and love. What a joy to see how God works in lives as He draws them to Himself. We are grateful to how God continues to use our teams to be a part of the...
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01 Aug 18
Dave Reimer
Church Support Field Story USA - Other
A Policeman Set Free
We never know who God will bring us in contact with and how He will use different moments to allow us to share the good news of the gospel. God answers our prayers and draws people to Himself that do...
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18 Jul 18
Ken Gustafson; missionary to Brazil
Brazil Church Planting Field Story
The Love of a Brother
We never know how God is at work and the lives He is touching because of our obedience to Him. This is only one story of the work that God is doing in Brazil. The church continues to grow and have an...
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05 Jul 18
Carla, missionary in West Asia
Asia Church Planting Field Story
Jesus is Enough
Many times we have to remind ourselves that Jesus is enough. It should be easy to remember but sometimes we forget, but what a joy to share this truth with others. That is what missions is all about,...
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20 Jun 18
Jon Luesink, Director of Recruitment Canada
Church Planting Czech Republic Europe
Still Divine Serendipity
God cares about the desires of our hearts. As we follow Him he provides opportunities that we might not expect. Check out how God used a casual walk on the river to provide a neat opportunity, leading...
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06 Jun 18
Vincent; missionary to Italy
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Rendezvous at the Bread Shop
We never know who God will bring us in contact with and how He will use different moments to allow us to share the good news of the gospel. God answers our prayers and draws people to Himself that do...
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16 May 18
Carla, missionary in West Asia
Asia Church Planting Field Story
The "I love Lucy" Moments of Life
In the midst of catastrophe, the “I love Lucy” moments of life, the Lord opens a door. He reminds us that we are here on this earth for a purpose to reach those around us with the love and message of...
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02 May 18
Church Support Field Story USA - ISC
God is Faithful
Missions can be hard. Many times one of the causes of difficulty can be teammates. In order for a team to function as “the church” many times - it requires an intimacy and vulnerability that opens up...
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18 Apr 18
Bill Adams, retired missionary to France
Church Planting Europe France
Legacy: Seeds Planted to faithful men
Everyday is an opportunity to plant a seed and see how God will use that to further His kingdom. We are called to be faithful and to be in awe of how God will work, in ways we might never imagine, to...
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04 Apr 18
Stephanie; Missionary to Senegal
Africa Church Planting Field Story
Searching for Open Doors
Every day we have the option to engage others in conversation, through open doors, some partake in that conversation and others don't. Often times all it takes is a question to begin a conversation...
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23 Mar 18
Annemarie Nechodom, missionary to Bolivia
Bolivia Church Support Field Story
The Power of Prayer
The power of prayer and simplicity of the gospel is essential and central to all missions work. God answers our prayers and draws people to Himself that do not know Him. May we continue to learn to...
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07 Mar 18
Kenn Oke
Church Planting Field Story North America
Series: What is Church? Part 3
Avant seeks to glorify God by helping others enjoy His presence through planting and developing new churches in the unreached areas of the world. As we desire to be obedient to plant new churches, many...
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23 Feb 18
Kenn Oke
Church Planting Field Story North America
Series: What is Church? Part 2
Avant seeks to glorify God by helping others enjoy His presence through planting and developing new churches in the unreached areas of the world. As we desire to be obedient to plant new churches, many...
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07 Feb 18
Kenn Oke
Church Planting Field Story North America
Series: What is Church? Part 1
Avant seeks to glorify God by helping others enjoy His presence through planting and developing new churches in the unreached areas of the world. As we desire to be obedient to plant new churches, many...
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18 Jan 18
Gord Skopnik, missionary to South Sudan
Africa Church Planting Field Story
Muslim to Christian: Kenya to South Sudan
From Muslim to Christian, from Kenya to South Sudan. We never know where God will lead us and how God will work through us. God is using Omari as a tool to plant churches in places that desperately...
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04 Jan 18
Avant Ministries
Church Planting Church Support
Church Partnership
Avant is dedicated to partnering with the church to more effectively reach the unreached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. In this video you will learn more about our desire to work with churches to...
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20 Dec 17
Vincent, missionary to Italy
Church Planting Europe Field Story
On The "Roman Road" With Lorenzo
Every day we come in contact with many people, some know Jesus and some don't. Often times all it takes is a question to begin a conversation that could lead to them come to know Jesus as their...
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06 Dec 17
Jon Luesink, Director of Mobilization
Church Planting North America
Share the Story of the Bible in 3 Minutes
Jesus has commanded us to go and make disciples. We are to go and share the hope of the gospel with others. Jon Luesink, Director of Mobilization, shares a unique way to share the story of the Bible in...
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15 Nov 17
Stephanie Brueske
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Fear Not!
In missions we often run into many unknowns and at times we loose focus of the end goal. In those times we must recall the promises of God, fear not! Whatever situation you are facing and will face,...
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01 Nov 17
Gary C., missionary to Kenya
Africa Church Planting Field Story
The Call To Mission
Many times we talk about the call to missions and we are not always sure what that means. God calls us to take part in what He is doing through missions. The Bible is full of calls to missions and we...
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18 Oct 17
Sylvia Schroeder, Women's Care Coordinator
Field Story North America USA - ISC
When Faithfulness is Truly Great
When we go through different circumstances we get to experience the faithfulness and compassion of God in a new way. Through many years we are able to share and experience the joy of His unchanging...
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04 Oct 17
Rob & Karin Lee
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Lee's in Italy
Avant Ministries is passionate about planting the church among the unreached. In this video you will hear about Rob and Karin's first few months on the field in Italy and how God used even a hard task...
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19 Sep 17
Education Field Story Middle East
The Common Thread Between Bartimaeus and Wasim
At times we find ourselves in situations that cause us to question why certain things happen. Even in uncertain times God is sovereign, the same is true in missions. Thankfully God is sovereign beyond...
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13 Sep 17
Steve, missionary to Africa
Africa Field Story Mali
Hope Because of Radio
Radio is a powerful ministry. The Lord has used this ministry to reach the unreached in Mali, a nation that desperately needs the hope and healing of the gospel.
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16 Aug 17
Randy Alderfer; Camp Director Echo Ranch Bible Camp
Camp Field Story North America
Built With Purpose
God uses different pieces in our life to work together for His great purpose. The work of missions is much the same, each piece is significant in the larger picture.
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02 Aug 17
Sylvia Schroeder, Women's Care Coordinator
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Get Me Out Of Here
At times we feel as though God has given us too much to handle, but as we trust in Him we learn and grow. Hardships teach reliance on God, we can see that in everyday life and especially in missions.
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21 Jul 17
Gord Skopnik, missionary to South Sudan
Africa Church Planting Field Story
South Sudan: The Birth Place of Orphans
We never know how God will use our witness to help others and how he will transform their lives! God continues to reach the unreached around the world!
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29 Jun 17
Becca Robinson, missionary to Uruguay
Church Planting Field Story Latin America
Pit Stop In Uruguay
Many times things do not go according to plan, but all the while God is at work. In missions we must adapt to change and trust God with the outcome.
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15 Jun 17
Laurel Caldbeck; Missionary in Europe
Church Planting Europe Field Story
The Broken In My Jerusalem
God calls us to follow where He leads. We must trust Him in guiding us to those in our neighborhood, to those across town and even those around the world.
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02 Jun 17
Corina Soria, missionary to Bolivia
Bolivia Church Support Field Story
From Hopeless to Hopeful
Missions is about relationships and seeing God provide and work in individuals hearts. Milton's story is one of new-found hope. Hope for his future and family.
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19 May 17
Sylvia Schroeder, Women's Care Coordinator
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Nobody told Me to Bring a Rocking Chair
The Lord helps us learn different lessons while living overseas. Each day is an opportunity to lean on the Lord and be held together by Him.
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04 May 17
Doreen Neufeld, missionary to Bolivia
Bolivia Church Planting Field Story
Bold Encounter
Missions work is about being a bold witness and trusting God He will use us to be a light in dark places and about befriending those we come in contact with.
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21 Apr 17
Reagan Taylor, missionary to Thailand
Asia Church Planting Field Story
The Prayer of the Faithful
The secret to successful ministry: crazy, faithful prayer. We must pray and trust God for how He will answer our prayers.
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03 Apr 17
Sylvia Schroeder, Women's Care Coordinator
Field Story North America USA - ISC
Thanks For Your Tip Driver
Language learning can be brutal. Inaccurate messages aren’t always cute. They can be downright dangerous. This is all part of the missionary life.
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22 Mar 17
Wendy, missionary to France
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Ministry Life
What does a typical week look like? Life for our missionaries is sometimes different than ours, but many times it is similar. Wendy shares how each day may look different, but each day is an...
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08 Mar 17
Sylvia Schroeder, Women's Care Coordinator
Church Planting Field Story North America
“Where is your citizenship?” This is the heartbeat question Christ followers pose to a lost world. Wherever I may be, my dwelling place is in Christ alone. "
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28 Feb 17
Bartek Przybyla, missionary to Poland
Church Planting Europe Field Story
God is the Best Puzzle Solver
All God asks of us is to be faithful to share the gospel with those we encounter. Letting God work in the heart of the individuals, then we can stand amazed at how He puts the puzzle pieces together.
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10 Feb 17
Angie Regier, Echo Ranch Bible Camp
Camp Field Story North America
Each day is an opportunity to lean on the Lord and be held together by Him. Not an easy lesson, but one totally worth learning.
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26 Jan 17
Julie Duncan, Echo Ranch Bible Camp
Camp Field Story North America
Playing Our Role
Missions work is all about team work and learning how to be a team that cares more about the gospel than about each other.
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11 Jan 17
Alix, missionary to France
Church Planting Europe Field Story
The Little Things Matter
We never know who God will bring into our day that might need to hear the story of salvation. May we be bold and know that the little things matter, and follow God when He leads.
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28 Dec 16
Liz, missionary to Thailand
Asia Church Planting Field Story
Sprouting Ministry
Missions work is all about planting seeds for the gospel among those who desperately need the Lord. Learn more about what this means for our team in Thailand.
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14 Dec 16
Corrie, missionary to Senegal
Africa Church Planting Field Story
I See You: Lessons in Human Dignity
Many times we loose site of those around us. In this article Corrie Commisso encourages you to pause for a moment and strive to see others — especially those who are different from you — through the...
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29 Nov 16
Sylvia Schroeder, Women's Care Coordinator
Ecuador USA - ISC
Take a Right at the Llama
Many followed the command that the Lord Jesus gave us to "Go and make disciples of all nations." In this blog, Sylvia shares about our rich history in Ecuador and how the Lord is using us to reach the...
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15 Nov 16
Vincent, missionary to Italy
Church Planting Europe Field Story
A Humbling Request Indeed
Missions is all about planting seeds for the gospel among those who desperately need the Lord. We must be ready for any opportunity He gives us!
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02 Nov 16
Debby, missionary to Prague
Church Planting Czech Republic Europe
...If ye love one another
Learning a new language and new culture is all part of living overseas, but many times there are unexpected lessons we learn along the way.
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18 Oct 16
Francesco Arco
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Francesco's Story
Avant Ministries is passionate about planting the church among the unreached. In this video you will hear about Francesco's spiritual journey and how God used Avant missionaries along the way.
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05 Oct 16
Aletia, missionary to Italy
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Bus Ride Conversations
We must be ready for any opportunity that the Lord gives us during our day to share the Gospel. We never know who God will bring into our path that desperately need to hear the hope we have in Christ!
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26 Sep 16
Director of Recruitment
Camp Field Story North America
Middle School Missionaries
The tearful testimony of one young lady inspired the salvation of many. Read this touching story from Echo Ranch.
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29 Aug 16
Alix, missionary to France
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Sowing Seeds in Unlikely Places
Missions work is all about planting seeds for the gospel among those who desperately need the Lord. Many reject that seed, but be encouraged, the Lord is still working!
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17 Aug 16
Daniel Abraham
Asia Middle East
Disenchanted With Islam: the Spiritual Impact of ISIS
What impact is ISIS having on the spiritual life of Muslims? In this article, a former Muslim shares his experiences and tells why NOW is the time to reach out to Muslims with the gospel of Jesus.
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02 Aug 16
Sylvia Schroeder, Women's Care Coordinator
Church Planting Europe
True Love Cares for the Soul
It is often difficult for those we reach to understand why our missionaries come to their countries. In this blog, Sylvia shares how her Italian neighbor came to understand that Sylvia cares for her soul.
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27 Jul 16
Ashley, missionary to Spain
Church Planting Europe Field Story
This is Your Joy
Why do we suffer as Christians? For one of our missionaries the answer to this question is key to how the Lord called her to missions.
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30 Jun 16
Ben, missionary to France
Church Planting Europe Field Story
A Spiritual Driver's Exam
Extra work on visas, permits, driver's licenses, and more is all part of managing life in missions. Check out how the Lord used a policy change in France to connect Darius with our missionaries.
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31 May 16
Annemarie Nechodom
Bolivia Church Support Field Story
Jail Cell to Selling Bread
Her family has a 20+ year history of living on the streets. And Leidy was following the same path. See how God brought Leidy back to the ministry of El Jordán.
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05 May 16
Dave, missionary to West Africa
Africa Church Planting Field Story
Reclaiming the Kingdom
In West Africa, the spiritual darkness of Islam holds sway. Recently, our missionaries saw a glimmer of hope when they visited a group of believers who are passionate about God's kingdom.
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21 Apr 16
Liz, missionary to Thailand
Asia Church Planting Field Story
God Knew It Would Hurt
"What does she need to hear?" One missionary to Thailand shares about speaking to an unbeliever in a new language, in a different culture, and how GOD provided the words.
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28 Mar 16
Becca Robinson
Church Planting Field Story Latin America
"This Changes Everything!"
To put it mildly, language acquisition has its low points. How wonderful it is when God shows us that our imperfections do not limit the power of His Word!
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11 Mar 16
Rachael Adcock
Africa Asia
What is an Unreached People Group?
Unreached People Groups have become the focus for many missions efforts around the world. Of the 7 billion people in our world, over 3 billion are unreached.
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18 Feb 16
Jaquie Garcia
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Surrounded by the Nations
Before moving to Portugal, I had the expectation that it would be quite a while before we could engage in conversations about faith, but God had other plans in mind.
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08 Feb 16
Angie Regier, Echo Ranch Bible Camp
Camp Field Ministry North America
The Worst Gospel Presentation
Do you ever feel anxious about sharing the gospel? We often feel pressure to give a perfect gospel presentation. We catch ourselves thinking, "If I get this wrong, they might reject Christ..."...
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20 Jan 16
Shari, missionary to West Africa
Africa Education Field Story
"Now I'm one of you!"
Sometimes we see the Lord working in the most unlikely people. The Lord changed Hal's eagerness to leave class into eagerness to study the Bible!
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07 Jan 16
Ivan & Mary Goossen, missionaries to Brazil
Brazil Church Planting Field Story
The Town Drunk
What do people say about us? Check out this wonderful story of God's redeeming love in a small, Brazilian town.
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28 Dec 15
by Erica, missionary to Spain
Church Planting Europe Field Story
In Spain, evangelical believers are few. Imagine the surprise when a missionary tells two local business men that there actually is a protestant church in their town.
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16 Dec 15
a missionary from Spain
Europe Field Story Media
The Sadness Went Away
It is exciting to see how God is using the work at our media center in Spain to spread the gospel. Check out how these media resources made an impact on Abe's life.
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18 Nov 15
Mike Reimer, Canadian Director
Canada Church Planting
Jesus Raised Support?
When asked why people might NOT want to be a missionary, some students said support raising was a big drawback. Check out how the missionary responded to their questions with some insight into the life...
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06 Nov 15
Hannah, missionary to Italy
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Encouraging Grazia
As believers, we need encouragement from the body of Christ to stay strong and find hope. In Italy, a country with few believers, God brought a missionary to encourage Grazia and Rosa in their faith.
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05 Oct 15
Tessa, missionary to ERBC
Camp Field Story North America
The Urgency of the Gospel
Twelve-year-old Julie came to horse camp with very little, if any, knowledge of the gospel. She left camp with Jesus and a passion for the gospel! Check out this encouraging story.
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15 Sep 15
Clint, missionary to Poland
Church Planting Europe Field Story
A Growing Church Plant in Poland
How long does it take a plant a church? How will you know when it happens? One of our missionaries to Poland shares about the growth of the young church plant and how God is starting to use this church...
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03 Sep 15
Donna Pace, Director of PR & Media
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Missions from the Balcony
To be invited into an Italian home is a special privilege. Donna shares a story of ministry in Italy, and how a balcony opened the door to sharing the gospel.
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24 Aug 15
Marie Drown, retired missionary
Church Planting Ecuador Latin America
Legacy in the Jungles of Ecuador
A special blog by retired missionaries, Frank and Marie Drown. Marie tells a story from their years in missions with the Shuar people, who now have the Bible in their own language.
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24 Jul 15
a missionary to Western Asia
Asia Church Planting Field Ministry
It’s Not a Coincidence
Missions works best when we rely on God's plans. Check out this story from a team that is seeing God at work even before they arrived in Western Asia!
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17 Jun 15
Pastor Phil Auxier
Church Support North America USA - ISC
Cappuccino Hour
What is coffee break like at a missions agency? Pastor Phil Auxier of Crestview Bible Church shares how he found much more than coffee while visiting Avant Ministries during "Cappucino Hour."
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04 Jun 15
David, missionary to Slovenia
Church Planting Europe Field Story
The Kiosk Guy
We ask our missionaries to be watchful for the evangelism opportunities the Lord supplies. One missionary shares his story of sharing the gospel with a vendor in the mall.
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18 Apr 15
a missionary to Spain
Church Planting Europe Field Story
Spiritual Conversations in Spain
Most Spaniards do not want to talk about God, but God opened a door for one of our missionaries to share the gospel with Cristina.
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04 Apr 15
Andrew, Avant MK
MK Education North America USA - Other
MKs in America
Finding a church in America can be difficult for missionary kids (MKs) when they did not grow up here. Check out these insights and tips from an Avant MK.
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01 Apr 15
Reagan, missionary to Thailand
Asia Church Planting Field Story
The Goal Was Chicken...
The first year in a new culture presents many challenges and unique experiences for missionaries. In this blog, one of our missionaries shares what happened when her team tried to order chicken at a...
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04 Mar 15
Phil Schroeder, Pastor to Missionaries
Member Care North America USA - ISC
Brokenness: Missions Life Under Pressure
We all have flaws in our life that we need to address. Phil Schroeder, a pastor who serves our missionaries, shows us how missionary life puts extra pressure on our flaws.
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18 Feb 15
Marnee, missionary to Thailand
Asia Church Planting Field Story
Missionary Mom: Giving Away Toys
Missionaries face many challenges as they prepare to answer the Lord's call. Here is a look into the life of a missionary mom and her kids. What is the price of giving away your kids' toys?
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04 Feb 15
Tim, missionary to Italy
Church Planting Europe Field Story
This is Sicily
"Sweating in an Italian post office..." Come along as one missionary to Italy paints a picture of the local culture in Sicily, Italy.
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27 Jan 15
Mike Reimer, Canadian Director
Church Planting Field Story North America
First Blossoms of a New Church
Church planting can be frustrating, but God is always working. After four years of work, our missionaries in Uruguay saw little fruit. Then, God gave them some encouragement.
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