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Short Term Opportunities 2025

Camp Church Planting Greece Guatemala Spain Internship Short Term Latin America North America

Dates: Summer 2025

All dates can be customized based on the needs of the missionary and the go-er.


Tanzania: Be a part of church planting, audio Bible distribution, and cultural learning in Tanzania. This includes safety and cultural awareness training, basic language learning (Swahili), ministry in a nearby village alongside the local church, and many opportunities to participate in local ministry opportunities including audio Bible distribution, church projects, relief work, and more!

Senegal: Work on a Business for Transformation team at CuriosiTEA garden. This is a coffee/tea shop where Senegalese people have a safe place to discover and discuss Jesus Christ. As people have come to know Jesus, this has also become a place for discipleship and small group meetings. There are also opportunities to serve with other ministry outreaches in the area, and attend a local church.

Angola: With opportunities for farming, church planting, medical,  ESL, relief work, teaching, and other creative ministries, you can use your skills, talents, and passions to reach Angola with the hope of Jesus Christ. 


Southeast Asia: Experience community development outreach that fuels church planting with our workers in Southeast Asia. Through relief work, music, community projects, and ministering alongside a local church, our workers in this country make a huge impact for Christ among these unreached people. 

East Timor: Our workers in this small island country have utilized business for transformation ministry to begin a school teaching classes in various areas of study. Through English conversation sessions, administrative work, community development, and outreach to locals, our workers are in the process of sharing the gospel for the sake of planting a healthy, reproducing church in this unreached area. 

South Asia: Serve with a thriving church plant through youth ministry, music, pastoral care, and more! There are countless opportunities in this country for church ministry, village outreach, and business for transformation avenues. 



Poland:  Experience church planting alongside national leaders as well as Avant workers through diverse ministry opportunities including youth gatherings, English conversation clubs, music, and more!

Slovenia: Serve alongside our existing church planting team with various outreach ministries to advance the gospel in this unreached country! Take language classes, experience cross-cultural ministry, and share the Good News with people who have never heard through this opportunity.

Spain: Our media center in Spain utilizes Arabic video, audio, graphic design, social media, and marketing to reach the unreached in North Africa with the gospel. Use your skills in media to make a difference for eternity in one of the most unreached regions of the world!

Greece: Take classes at the Greek Bible College and participate in a variety of ministry avenues to reach the unreached in Greece! Through ministry to refugees and vulnerable populations, church planting, camp outreach, and more you can be a part of reaching the nations in Athens.


The Middle East

Middle East Intensive: Learn language, culture, and come alongside the local church to encourage believers and share the gospel with Arabs in the Middle East!


North America

Texas: Serve on the media team at Rio Grande Bible College in Edinburgh, Texas. Share the hope of Jesus Christ with Latin Americans and be a part of investing in the development of future church leaders through this ministry opportunity.

Alaska: Serve as a camp counselor at Echo Ranch Bible Camp, where youth come to hear the gospel, grow in their faith, and learn about God’s heart for the nations while also having meaningful and fun experiences and building relationships that last a lifetime!


South America

Brazil: Serve at Cafe & Graca, a coffee shop ministry that has led to a new church plant in Mucambo, Brazil! Serve with the business, with the church youth, or other ministry outreaches to make Jesus known in Brazil!

Bolivia: Work with women, children, and vulnerable populations at El Jordan, a ministry that gives people the hope of the gospel and a chance to thrive as they come from the streets of Bolivia to be cared for, invested in, and encouraged with the gospel.

Mexico: Be a part of a church planting team in Mexico! Through business for transformation, camp ministry, and evangelism and discipleship you can invest in the eternity of others as you make Jesus known among least-reached people groups. Learn language, culture, and ministry tools through this summer opportunity.

Colombia: Join an existing team that is working in partnership with a local church plant. Participants will use their specific skills and passions to assist the ministry in a variety of ways, such as marketing, music, art, education, and more! Considering the participant's interests, a ministry plan will be developed and carried out with Avant missionary oversight.

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